Healthcare Policy

We are witnessing a remarkable period of rapid advancements in research focused on healthy longevity and preventive healthcare. In recent years, both the business and investment communities have recognized this as one of the largest and fastest-growing sectors globally, yet it remains undervalued.

The primary objective of the Longevity Roundtable is to generate collaborative recommendations for the future of the sector in Europe, specifically in the areas of Age Science, Preventive Healthcare, and Longevity Economy.

The Longevity Roundtable brings together a global community of experts from various sectors who share a common vision: to promote research, technologies, and lifestyle choices that prevent chronic and age-related diseases, ultimately leading to enhanced vitality and extended healthy lifespans.

Under the leadership of Joanna Bensz from the International Institute of Longevity, the Roundtable Foundation has made the decision to facilitate discussions and identify solutions and technologies that can contribute to increased vitality and healthy living. Furthermore, it aims to attract more attention, interest, financing, and entrepreneurship into the field of longevity.